Ykee Benda Breaks Up with his Fiance Julie Batenga - Chozendroda

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Thursday, 11 January 2018

Ykee Benda Breaks Up with his Fiance Julie Batenga

Singer Ykee Benda has broken up with his longtime lover and fiance Juliet Betenga shocking everyone about what could have caused this sad moment in his family but all we can say is it has happened. This comes through in a situation where Benda is starting to hit the musical climax and this is the rightful time he needs a wife to support and guide him.
In his heart touching message, Benda asserted that he will forever celebrate Julie his now ex wife and he wishes her success and happiness.
“These are going to be some dark days maybe months I don’t know…for both of us but I know there will be light at some point…I will forever celebrate you and wish you nothing but bliss and happiness. I can barely write another statement, my heart is pumping too fast, goodbye and God bless you Julie Batenga” Benda painfully wrote.
This however has been so hard for his fans to believe especially those that thought Benda and Julie have been so perfect in love and actually most of them were asserting that he is playing a publicity stunt he may be releasing a new song soon or else he has an upcoming concert.
Some irritated fans have publicly denounced Ykee Benda that he is playing kiddish games of getting attention but the in pain Benda kept retaliating that what he said is the truth.

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